Start of BA Thesis Concept Seminar 2021

During this Seminar the goal is to go through the whole process of the BA thesis in only two weeks.

To start the process there'll be three exercises. 

The very first exercise was about coming up with 20 different ways of looking at the topic we've chosen.

The outcome of my second proposition was that I was stuck with too many possible ways of tackling the subject chosen. So I took the opportunity to sketch out the things I had in mind.

I ended up defining the categories "focuspoints" and "methodologies"(what I often describe as the "approach angle"). 

Arranging them in rows and columns.

As a critic of this very first exercise the mentors I got following input:

- As a designer I should always take objectivity seriously

- There is already a rich history of similar struggles from different regions available, where grassroot movements took place. (France, Italy -> labeling, other example is the natural wine movement)

- Workshops and hands on experiences are promising to engage a wider audience.

The first critic is especially fitting since it's a family matter and therefore I'm emotionally invested. But taking the critic into consideration I hope that nevertheless I can make this emotional investment work for me and show the importance of subjectivity since it's definitely a core element of this topic.

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