With short exercises I try to analyze the newly updated project references to build the positioning of my own work.
-> 1. what's missing here?
-> 2. what's the speculation? (Surrounding, social context...)
-> 3. what do they answer?
-> 4. going bit deeper -> what/how do they sense?
Schwartzman, M. (2011). See yourself sensing : redefining human perception. Black Dog.
With the idea of embodiment in mind and as the title suggests, a reorientation, exploration of the topic of human sensing is explored. Schwartzman embraces the notion of cybernetics but in a more nearer, tangible speculative future i. e. a lot of featured projects take elements and approaches from DIY culture. They see feasible but nonetheless pushing the boundaries of what we understand as the human sensorial experience in conjunction with our bodies and surroundings.
-> 1. what's missing here? More empirical approach would be nice -> but I love the DIY aspect
-> 2. what's the speculation? Free, open society, focus on empathy, strengthen the individual experience while sharing personal impressions
-> 3. what do they answer? Need for imaging alternatives. Highlighting non binary experiences through bespoke solutions
-> 4. what do they sense? Body proximal sensing. cybernetics -> bodily extension of probes and sensors. all senses.
Tolaas, S. (2004). An alphabet for the nose. Berlin
Sissel Tolaas, a Norwegian artist and researcher, engages in making the sense of smell. While establishing a bolder approach for the yet under explored field of smelling, she makes use of an interdisciplinary methods. With „an alphabet for the nose“ the artist creates a dictionary of the many molecules in her library of smells, while paying attention to avoid using vocabulary of negative connotations, since according to her there are no inherently bad smells, maybe only the memories attached to it. The imagined future sees almost real here, only falling short of an broad adaption through the masses.
-> 1. what's missing here? design approach, what can I as a interaction designer contribute to this topic and apply learned methods
-> 2. what's the speculation? empirical examination of the topic -> world/society where smell is better integrated
-> 3. what do they answer? need for confrontation of "mystical" topic -> building a vocabulary to engage broader audience
-> 4. what/how do they sense? just smells -> but in different kind of contexts. In groups, as a culture but also as an individual with a unique sensual memory.
Vogelzang, M. (unknown). Different projects.
Instead of focusing on sensing per se Marije Vogelzang takes on the phenomena of „feeding“ as a performance and its cultural significance. The dutch designer shows a range of future speculation, from possible alternatives(example) to impossible fantasies(example). -> 1. what's missing here?
missing display of importance of technology
-> 2. what's the speculation? alternates in food consumptions -> changing behavior through food
-> 3. what do they answer? show alternate engagements with methods of "consuming food". Show importance of cultural importance of food.
-> 4. what do they sense? food. cultural rituals/experiences around food.
Winkler, C. (2018). Per-Forming Clouds. Copenhagen.
Speaking of surroundings Clemens Winkler should be mentioned here. With his project „Per-Forming Clouds“ the artist and designer works with a material focused approach. The material here merely water vapor manifests itself through interactions of the created atmosphere, be it the visitors or the immediate surrounding the installation creates. The imagined future is much more abstract and harder to grasp on the first look since the synergy of the system is quite complex as the focus lies on the aesthetics and narration.
-> 1. what's missing here? for a bachelor thesis it's too abstract, apparent metaphor lost in action -> too art oriented (too passive role of societal critic without taking action).
-> 2. what's the speculation? Self reflection through performative interaction. Play of metaphors between small scale and bigger scale ecosystems.
-> 3. what do they answer? Communicating complexity of system dynamics on a playful interactive way.
-> 4. what do they sense? Visuals, Smell and social interactions through the installation character/performative segments. |