on “inter + action”

 Who am I?

I’m a human being currently answering this question; normally this is the way I would start answering this question and following up with features or identifying words that make “me” in normal social surroundings. I’d start with my name, then following up with my age, then I would loose some words about my occupation, where I’m living and then ending with my personal interests.

But with the context of this seminar I may try to describe myself with feeling and emotions.

First I feel really tired, I didn’t sleep well, hungry, anyway I feel slightly annoyed of this silly but still challenging question. I feel anxious about trying to describe myself because I feel as I have to justify my existence. The lurking pressure of finding a bachelor thesis doesn’t help to relieve the depression. I’m also hoping of not leaving a whiny impression based on my whole blog.

As of the latest task to bring an manifesto to the class I couldn’t really make a decision. I thought of bringing an out of the box “manifesto”(that barely didn’t pass the requirements of a manifest) with Kafkas On the Gallery.

Kafka, F. (2006). Auf der Galerie. Project Gutenberg.

But then I quickly realized that I’d mistaken the timeframe from which we had to choose our manifesto from. I really didn’t want to take the first google search result so I played with the thought of bringing a political manifesto to the class since the political theme would’ve fitted my blog. Unfortunately I couldn’t muster the time to read through for example The Communist Manifesto. My reason here for picking this work would’ve been the idea of criticizing capitalism but without proposing communism as a solution.

Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich, & Stammen, Theo. (1978). Manifest der kommunistischen Partei (Vol. 743, UTB : Uni-Taschenbücher). München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.

But since I don’t feel comfortable of discussing a text I hadn’t read eventually I didn’t bring a manifesto to the class.

What is your ambition as a designer?(specific answer expected)

This is a tricky question for me since I’m not even sure if I want to be a designer. I even have to admit that I’m quit sure that I don’t want to be an interaction designer. So my aspiration would be to “keep going” after the bachelor degree and loosing my momentum which I have to add here — is on a significant low at the moment.

There are always this high expectations of achieving something great which is always bound to disappointment.

I refuse the concept of a 5–9 in my mind but there’s always this ever so almighty constraint to the real world😬.

I could see myself on settling on a compromise respectively choosing a more egoistical approach and choosing a path which fits my desires and aspirations even if it just serves of further myself finding my own way.

Pick a topic of interest and what do you think you can say about this that no one ever heard before?

Being often online and seeing a lot of things I never could’ve imagined I don’t really see a topic which doesn’t come from my personal intersections that would meet the questions criteria. So if you please you can refer to the end of the last blog entry(28.09.20 on “inter”). But since there isn’t a specific answer because of me trying my hardest to avoid explicit statements, I will add some here.

I’m really interested in making art. Also I like taking system-critical approaches. Recently I’m particularly unhappy about the development of our module “mui”. The given topics are ”energy” and “AR” under the hood of a “mobile user interface”.

The thing that really bothered me that — we designed an app that sensitized user i.e. the individual to their own consumption in household electronics — the accountability and so the blame is shifted from big systems(corporate world, governments) to the individual. While it’s true that one self can make a “significant” impact for example with abstaining from eating meat, the stakeholders with much bigger impacts and power are plagued with greenwashing and even deliberately stalling the progress. So instead of engaging with just mentioned problems our group nevertheless went with the “teaching the indiviual method” because I couldn't get my points across and neither could convince the mentors.

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